Mosinee 4th of July event features booth raising money for ALS

MOSINEE, Wis. (WSAW) -The annual Mosinee 4th of July Festival and Parade included a wide array of booths and activities, including face painting, c...

July 5, 2023
5:06 PM

MOSINEE, Wis. (WSAW) -The annual Mosinee 4th of July Festival and Parade included a wide array of booths and activities, including face painting, children's books, and delectable treats for all to enjoy. The owner of one booth is not trying to make money, though. Instead, she's trying to raise money for a cure for the progressive neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS . Kelly Hart and her family and friends sold raffle tickets to support those with ALS from their booth.

Sloane Wick